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The financial services industry has long been at the technological cutting edge, but as the pace of change increases and customers themselves become more digitally literate, new opportunities and new challenges are becoming apparent. We bring you the safety and security your users need.


The number one attack vector involves the use of malicious data input from bad actors to attempt to control or disrupt the behavior of target systems. You can take control of who has access to the different sections of your systems by using NoPass™ from Identité®  .


Security risks associated with e-commerce can be a result of human error, an accident or unauthorized access to systems. Online retailers are most likely to face credit card fraud or data errors. By enabling Identité on your system, you no longer need to worry about these risks.


We tailor our password-less Full Duplex Authentication®  system, implementation and maintenance protocols to your individual needs. Our patent-pending product is a proven preventative measure, which facilitates authenticating your users and utilizes several customizable surveillance and security measures to ensure protection for our clients.

Key Industries


Identité can work with your organization to design and implement a custom authentication tool.  Great for those needing help designing their website or portal, specialized workforces with purpose-built devices, physical security, etc.

Want a demonstration of the end-user experience?
Cloud Deployment


Cloud Deployment

Just install the NoPass™ password-less application and we will deliver your users a simple and secure login experience.

Integration can be planned and executed with minimal effort by using a Docker file that is compatible with any AWS/Azure tool, creating one of the shortest time-to-value intervals possible for a major IT investment.

  • Maximum security

  • AWS, Azure compatible

  • Easy to use

  • Scalable, including rapid allocation and deallocation of resources

  • Interoperable between multiple different platforms

  • Simple Admin console

  • Configurable to your business’s policy

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On-premise Deployment
On-premise Deployment

If you are looking for the ability to take full control of the service and set your own extra security policies We are able to custom integrate NoPass™ into your systems or build custom features for your specific needs with our on-premise deployment solution.

  • Reduced capital expenditure

  • Reduced lead times with on-demand availability of resources

  • Self-service with reduced administration costs

  • Support team collaboration

  • Ability to add new users quickly

High availability

One of the goals of high availability is to eliminate single points of failure. To eliminate it, each layer of stack must be prepared for redundancy. To obtain redundancy in a component, you should follow an N+1, N+2, 2N, 2N+1 strategy and follow these best practices:

  1. Use load balancing to distribute application and network traffic across servers.

  2. Monitoring the health of servers

  3. Distribute resources geographically in case of power outages or natural disasters.

  4. Backups and failover processes are crucial components to accomplishing high availability

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Easy to implement on any cloud server

To implement this architecture, you will do the following:

  1. Configure the reverse-proxy server.

  2. Containerize the reverse proxy server.

  3. Create the Docker Compose file.

  4. Push container images to Amazon ECR.

  5. Create the ECS cluster.

  6. Create an Application Load Balancer.

  7. Create an AWS Fargate Task definition.

  8. Create the Amazon ECS service.

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